Friday, October 11, 2019
The United States District Court for the Western District of New York is pleased to announce the following attorneys have won awards for outstanding service to the district. Please join us on October 23, 2019 at Statler City at the annual Federal Court Dinner to honor these deserving individuals and organizations:
Pro Bono Awards:
- Michael A. Brady
- Daniel J. Brady
- Brian D. Barnas
Criminal Justice Act Award:
- William T. Easton
- Cheryl Meyers Buth
- Barry N. Covert
- Michael S. Deal
- Terrence M. Connors
- James W. Grable
Robert H. Jackson Award for Distinguished Service
- The University at Buffalo School of Law
- Erie County Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project
- Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe County
Congratulations to all of our award recipients!
Further information regarding the Federal Court Dinner can be found here: