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Interpreter Services

Parties Requiring Interpreters

Participants in court proceedings who speak only or primarily a language other than English may be eligible for a Court provided interpreter.  The Court is authorized by, and limited by, The Court Interpreters Act 28 U.S.C. §§ 604(a)(14), (15), and (16) and 28 U.S.C. § 1827 and §1828.  Under this authority, the Court provides and pays for interpreters for defendants in criminal matters. 

All requests for interpreters must be brought to the attention of Chambers or the Deputy Clerks supporting the Judge (their team).  Once the need has been established, chambers or the Deputy Clerks will contact the Interpreter Coordinator to request the presence of an interpreter for the specified court proceedings.  Depending upon the type, length and complexity of the hearing, an interpreter will be scheduled either in person, or via telephone using the Court's Telephone Interpreting Program (TIP).

Interpreters -- Information for Court Interpreters

Information and forms are located below. 

If you have any questions please call Jen V. at (716) 551-1710

Resources Located on Other Sites:

Federal Court Interpreter Program

Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Reimbursement Rates

Federal Travel Regulations and Related Files


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